NGO,s Registration

The main focus of Department is social development along with key issues necessary for sustainable development. Community Development Programs include strengthening and facilitating NGOs in order to reach the grassroots level of society with the involvement of common people in the development process. NGOs are now recognized as a vital component of a vibrant civil society. They motivate voluntary efforts on the basis of self-help and mobilization of human and material resources to supplement government efforts to accelerate the development process. The NGOs play a significant role in organizing government efforts for sharing responsibility in providing social services to the people as partner in development.

NGOs also play an important role in creating a link between the community and the nation building departments. They also help the departments in order to reach the grassroots level of the society especially people living in the rural, slum, katchi abadies, backward and remote areas. The main objective of the Department is to empower NGOs to identify, develop, execute, manage and evaluate their programs after their registration under The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies 

List of NGO,s:
List of International NGO,s: